- - Summer Clinic and Cougar Camp Included in 2-8th Grade CYFA Tackle Football Registration - -
Our CYFA 2024 Summer Tackle Football Clinic happening this June 17 & 20. All sessions will be held at the Centennial Middle School Track Field. Attend one or both sessions depending on your availability.
This clinic is FREE and open to all players who are registered for the 2024 CYFA football season.
If you have not already done so...go to our homepage to register for the 2024 CYFA Tackle Football season.
For a listing of all events please visit our CYFA calendar by CLICKING HERE.
If you have any questions please contact us at CYFAMN@gmail.com
Come in comfortable athletic clothing and tennis shoes, helmet, other equipment not needed. Bring a water bottle with your name on it. Camp includes a t-shirt and instruction by high school football coaches and players.
There is no charge for this camp for Centennial Youth Football Association (CYFA) members enrolled for the fall 2024 tackle season; however, you must register through Centennial Community Education to attend camp and receive a t-shirt.
Please select the session that correlates with your child's grade level.
CLICK HERE to register for 6-8th grade camp. July 22-24 at Centennial High School Stadium
CLICK HERE to register for 2-5th grade camps. July 29-31 at Centennial High School Stadium
- - Additional Camp/Training Opportunities Unaffiliated with CYFA - -
Cougar Strength is designed for ALL ATHLETES who want to develop explosive power, absolute strength, muscular endurance, speed, quickness, agility, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness. The program achieves these measured athletic qualities from the use of Olympic lifts and their variations along with other movement preparatory exercises, high intensity strength building exercises, exercises containing plyometric properties, proper technique and teaching progressions, and researched program design and periodization.
Cougar Strength is the only program in the school that connects ALL of our athletes and brings them into one room with a common goal - developing themselves as an athlete to help their teams be successful. Cougar Strength will challenge you and bring your game to the next level. If you are ready to invest in your future success and more importantly, Centennial athletics future success, sign up today!
Look for the session title that correlates with the grade level entering for fall of 2024 school year. CLICK HERE to register.
When: June 10 - August 1 (see Community Ed registration page for more details and times for each grade)
Time for moms to get out of the stands and spend some time on the turf. Sign up for our 8th annual Mom and Me Football Challenge on Wednesday, Aug. 7. Join State Champion Coach Spencer and CHS football players for a fun evening. Participate in several contests, some involving skill, while others will be for fun. Moms or other adult females are welcome to attend with sons and daughters. For completing this skills challenge, adults will be rewarded with a special edition stocking hat. Bring a water bottle and dress to play!
When registering, it's only necessary to select the adult female's name. The child's name will be asked as a question during the checkout process.
2024 local summer camps and clinics to consider (click on each link for details):
Optimize strength and conditioning programs
Augsburg summer football camps
Sports International football camp